Break a leg (and other stage injuries)
Amusing tales of Fringe performers suffering bodily harm
Ankles, eyes, teeth and nipples: you name it and chances are a performer at the Edinburgh Fringe has damaged it. While the cobbles across the city are notorious for causing a sprain or two (particularly to the inebriated thesp or too-busy BlackBerrying PR), the stage has proved to be a danger zone which has broken (or at least severely hindered) some Fringe runs. Here are some tales of brave soldiers who are back at the festival despite having been nobbled at a previous Edinburgh
Aaron Calvert
During my 2017 Edinburgh run, I caught a burglar back stage riffling through equipment. As he tried to talk his way out of being there I noticed he was holding my phone in his hand at which point he made a run for it. Myself, director Sam Fitton and the venue manager chased and tackled the thief to the floor before calling the police. During the incident I injured my knee, which left me limping around the Fringe and made it difficult to be my energetic self on stage. The thief apparently made a return days later to the club with a friend and a pitbull terrier. Classy, I know …
Aaron Calvert: Declassified, Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 1–26 Aug, 6pm.

(Not Aaron… Chris Turner shows teeth…)